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Live drawing at a Paris themed Peugeot Event

Last Friday, I made live fashion illustrations at an influencer event organized by Triangle PR and Peugeot. The theme was Paris and I prepared the background drawings at home, featuring a Peugeot and the Eiffel Tower so that all drawings would fit the theme.

On Friday morning I arrived at the Kruidfabriek by Lute, a fancy restaurant close to Amsterdam. It was a cold and windy day but inside it was warm and since I was a bit early, I started by enjoying a good cappuccino before preparing my table.

The event involved a lunch for a group of influencers. During the lunch the women could sit with me in turns while a made quick live illustrations. Below are some examples!

I really enjoyed the Peugeot event because the theme and brand fitted very well with my illustration style. If you're organizing an event yourself and want to know more about having a live illustrator at your event, check this page about live-sketching!






Do you have a question about custom-made illustrations, 

live illustration, or something else? Drop me a note on the above e-mail address or use the contact form below. You can write me in English or Dutch and I will get back to you within a day. Speek soon!

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